U 6 Station Area Josefstädter Straße
After the renovation of the historic station building of the underground line U6,
the surrounding open spaces are redesigned. tilia developed a planning project,
based on a survey on the demands of the different target groups. Our team cooperated
with local social workers and business persons, as well as with different departments
of the city administration. The project aims to provide space for various groups:
for people passing by, for cyclists, residents and groups that spend their day on this public space.
The treetops form a green roof, the light gray pavement and the granite borders of the flower beds connect the different areas.
Due to the new spatial organization, the surrounding of the station appears open and spacious,
despite the numerous and diverse demands. The shade of the trees, the flowers,
the drinking water and the seats provide a comfortable setting.

The project has successively been realized by the three neighbouring city districts as a “growing open space“.
It started 2014 with the most western part, the “Hernalser Spitz“. In 2016 the western section in front
of the U 6 Station has been finished. As a last step, the realization of the eastern part of this open space is planned.
target group oriented survey, design and technical planning,
aesthetic supervision of construction works
Christoph Stoik, FH Campus Wien
City of Vienna – MA 19, MA 21, MA 28, city districts 8., 16., 17.
Voitl & Co. (Phase 1); Held & Francke (Phase 2)