studio for landscape planning
staller.studer og
We Change Places!
We plan gardens and parks, squares and streets, open spaces of nurseries,
schools and other public facilities. The offered services include planning for the specific needs of our clients,
the supervision of tender and construction works as well as the support for clients
who want to realize their garden projects themselves.
We Create Something New Together!
Participation has been a central focus for many years.
We work with a broad set of methods to reach different target groups.
We observe and listen closely in order to identify qualities as well as wishes and demands of diverse people –
as a basis of creative and good adjusted solutions for specific spatial questions.
Participation projects are carried out in the contexts of planning and research, evaluation of planning projects
and as an input to political strategies.
We Link Potentials!
tilia consults and enhances processes of urban and rural development.
Our projects deal with issues like sustainable agriculture and cultural landscape,
water and soil management. In urban renewal processes we network with all parties concerned.
We offer advice and support in neighbourhood questions concerning housing or public space as well
as information on urban development projects.
We Perceive Open Space!
Since 1999, the team of tilia has been engaged with open space. We see our projects as contributions towards
spaces for a good everyday life. Our work is covering a broad variety of fields and connects practice and theory.
We plan different open spaces and do research in interdisciplinary cooperation. In spatial issues,
we consult private gardeners as well as educational and public institutions.
We pass on our experience in questions of spatial organization and movement, gender and environmental issues in diverse contexts.
We are active in rural development and urban renewal.
We Explore Spaces!
Open space qualities for everyday life and for exercise have been a key field of
our interdisciplinary research in cooperation with social scientists,
traffic planners and sports scientists. The research focusses on diverse target groups and their spaces,
on girls and boys, on elderly persons, on employees, on marginalised groups ...